This blog comes with a disclaimer. I can only apologise for the shamless plugging in this blog.
First of all I have to mention how good Millennium Driveways is. Me and 001 had our driveway done by Millennium Driveways, as did Lisa Wade and 005, and I have to say it is perfect, and I can't speak for Lisa Wade and 005, but they were very happy with it too (not ours, theirs).
So for all your driveway needs, please visit and tell them the nutter that's trying to meet 730 people sent you :)
On to Kev 'Millennium Driveways' Bloor. I started playing live poker many many years ago, and their was a small group of local poker players that used to meet every so often and play poker against eachother. Hopefully over the course of this quest I will meet up with most of those players again. Kev Bloor and his good lady, Julie Holloway (who you may see in a moment or two) were two of those poker players, that are no longer just poker players to me, they are good friends. We have shared trips to Dublin, blackpool, nottingham, meals out, meals in (yes I do still owe you one).
If I take something out of playing poker (and it isn't usually money) I will take their friendship. Absolute legend, and, mark my words, Kev will win big at some point. He is that good.
But in the meantime, go buy a drive off him
Does Vegas count?